Archey3 is highly customisable, meaning that many different results can be achived. The config file for Archey3 is stored at $XDG_DATA_HOME/archey3.cfg, which is usually ~/.config/archey3.cfg. Here are some examples (if you wish to submit an example, please either email with your screenshot and config file or open a pull request on our github repo. For a complete reference on configuring archey3, see the config reference.
[core] color = blue align = top display_modules = distro(), uname(n), uname(r), uptime(), wm(), de(), packages(), ram(), uname(p), env(editor), fs(/), mpd(albums)
[core] color = yellow align = center display_modules = distro(), uname(n), uname(r), uptime(), wm(), ram(), fs(/), fs(/home), fs(/media/Music)